"So far the generosity of our friends and family have helped me raise over £10,000 towards the rebuilding of the Kipsamoite Primary School in Kenya. Working on the project is a humbling experience and one I recommend everyone does at least once in their lifetime. To feel the love and gratitude the villagers showed towards us was worth all the effort 100 times over.

"So after raising almost double what we needed why more fund raising? Well my plan was NOT to rebuild the whole school. But it is now! Bit by bit year by year we will get this done. I estimate about £30,000 will be enough to complete the project which will give them a total of 12 classrooms, a staff room, head teachers offices a storeroom, lavatories and changing facilities, access to fresh water and a feeding program for the youngest and poorest.

"Your donation will go 100% to the project. We use local suppliers and local trades men so all the money stays within the community. No fat cat expenses or claims are made by us whatsoever I pay for our own flights, accommodation and food whilst there.

Please join us trying to make one small village on the earth a better safer place"
- Duncan McDonald.

Please donate here by
visiting our Just Giving page.

2022 ~ Here are some of our latest Video Diaries...
The Nandi Project's story so-far...

We finally return after two years, post-pandemic...


The Water Butt Challenge...


Rain destroys classrooms...

Christmas time at Kipsamoite... Children receive christmas gifts from their UK sponsor families...

2020 Highlights...

Where we began...

And here are some of the pupils enjoying their new classrooms...

And thank you for donating...

Thanks to all your kindness, the children were lucky to have their first ever school safari trip this year...